MMU logo

MMU logo

Monday, September 6, 2010

links and the objectives and the screenshot of the final output

here are the links and their objectives :

1) "Home" to create the right atmosphere for the viewer from the start
where the links are in a logical order ( according to the usual human need )
and the slide show creates interest for the viewer to go deeper and to want to know more about the pictures within .

2) "About" is a common link in almost every site , where its gives a brief about the intentions of the site and means of communication if inquires were needed .

3) "Activity" in this link the viewer will browse about what would he be able to do in Langkawi ! and where ! wither its a sport to practice or a hobby to learn ! or even places to visit or experiences to try ! and its all to create the curiosity in the viewer and to inform him/her about the exciting life in the island .

4) "Hotels" within this link are the places that offer the accommodative services for the tourists and visitors of the island and brief description about each hotel , not only that but the luxury of this page extends to talk and the different types of spas that are available .

5) "Market" no one likes to come back without a souvenir , and thats where u read about the market and the quality of the different products that are being sold .

6) " Attractions " a link to link the viewer to the beauty that is waiting for him/her , with some pictures and brief description of these attractions ...all the links have the same purpose in the end , to get the viewer attached to the island and to get him/her to make a decision to visit , and by that we achieve the ultimate purpose of the site , which is increasing the tourism in Malaysia

in the side we can view the final output of the site .

use of tools 3

here we show the following :

1) preparing the tables and arranging them

2 ) with some help from youtube , we correct the CSS code errors and make style sheets with it CSS

3) and the third picture shows how we arranged the boxes in the site

and these steps have been conducted to the other pages too .

use of tools 2

using flash to prepare the slide show :

1) the picture here shows the pictures after being imported to the library to be resized and put in the right place with the background

2 ) and the other picture illustrates the new frames and creating the slide show after inserting the key frames

use of tools 1

in the pictures we show the following steps :
1) drawing the lines using Photoshop
2) using the brush and shapes
3) and finally brush , shapes and the text layer

to prepare it for the next step !

p.s : the order of the pictures is from bottom to the top .

Our second physical meeting , change in direction and flow charts

the meeting took place in the FOM Cafeteria at the evening time of the 25th of august 2010 !

and we have had a discussion where we have decided to change the direction of our plan and work in a different way . we have not changed our logistics but we changed duties ! and made it an overall contribution site ! all 5 members met and worked together to produce each and every page, since we believed that someone's weakness can be someone's else peek of power !

the site map took its first shape then !
the main page will have the following in it :
1) photos that are edited in photoshop some not all
2) a flash animation or slideshow .
3) links to the following pages ( Home , about , activity , hotels , market and attractions )
4) each link will have the valuable info and help that this browser deserves from the site
5) the site in total should as professional as we could carry it out .

and ofcourse the flow chart for GUI ( graphical user interface ) should be easy to understand and handle without any extra experience in internet browsing .

flowcharts from the main site to the links , from the links to each other and back to the main page are explained in the figures to the side

Target market , reference

for the purpose of correcting our last post , we are specifying our target market to be from the middle east and without an age range , and from all segments of the society , wither single or in families ,they all come for more than one purpose but they all spare sometime for the same purpose which is relaxing in the tropical islands of Malaysia , and enjoying the lovely nature .

countries of target for the purpose of highlighting not of specifying are : Saudi Arabia , Iran and the UAE as shown in the figure to the side .

and this site is for reference